Council consults on 'Housing Vision' for the future

Council consults on ‘Housing Vision’ for the future

East Riding of Yorkshire Council is seeking the views of local residents and other interested parties on its vision for housing in the area as part of two consultations, including sheltered housing for older people.

The Draft East Riding Housing Strategy proposes a 30-year vision for housing in the area that will enable more new homes and for all housing to be of a quality, type and size which meets the needs of urban, rural and coastal communities and supports economic growth. This will help to support a high-quality and balanced residential offer across all the local housing market areas.

The strategy highlights that the majority of housing in the East Riding of Yorkshire is in private ownership, with over 90 per cent of properties being owner-occupied or privately-rented. The remainder is owned by the council or other social landlords, including charities and housing associations.

The housing strategy provides a strong focus on helping people to access suitable, affordable housing with a view to resolving issues of housing need and improving living conditions for the most vulnerable.

It also has links with the strategies of key partner and relies on working closely with other agencies, including the NHS and voluntary and community sector, to deliver its ambitions. Feedback is sought through the consultation on whether the right priorities have been identified by the council to achieve the overarching vision and objectives for housing in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

One of the objectives of the draft housing strategy is to increase the number, quality and range of homes suitable for an ageing population. As such, the council is also undertaking a comprehensive review of council-owned sheltered housing.

The council wants to ensure that housing designated for older people is of a high standard and is designed to offer secure and attractive places for tenants to enjoy living in, whilst helping to promote independent living. This recognises the important links between housing and health and wellbeing.

Sheltered housing is accommodation for older, disabled or other vulnerable people who wish to live independently, whilst having the added security of knowing someone is available to help in an emergency 24-hours-a-day. Such schemes provide independent, self-contained homes and are designed to make life a little easier for older people.

The council recognises the need to invest in and deliver attractive sheltered housing that offers good-quality housing, built to modern standards, which embrace advances in technology. As such, the council has chosen to review its sheltered housing provision.

The feedback received from people living in sheltered housing as well as that from other East Riding residents’ will help shape the future design of sheltered housing and who it should be allocated to. As part of the consultation, the council will also be seeking resident’s views on
the provision of support services offered in sheltered housing schemes.

This is to ensure these services are accessible, affordable and meet the needs of individuals in the future and will also help to ensure that properties are attractive, fit-for-purpose and are desirable places for people to live as they grow older and allows them to live independently for as long as possible.

Consultation on the Sheltered Housing Review and the Draft Housing Strategy runs until Monday, 24 October.

Feedback can be provided online via the ‘Have your say’ section of the website or by calling into your nearest customer service centre, library or leisure centre to complete a paper version of the survey.

Current tenants of sheltered housing will automatically receive a copy of the sheltered housing consultation in the post. Alternatively you can email if you have any questions on either consultation.

To complete the surveys online, visit:

Housing strategy questionnaire

Sheltered housing questionnaire

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