Bad things usually occur whenever you aren’t expecting it. Don’t neglect the safety of your home, yourself and your family. Review these excellent tips on creating a home that is safe and secure against burglary.

TIP! You can hide your spare key on your dog. However, this method is only effective if your dog is large, scary, and stays outdoors.

Let a house cleaner have your keys only if they can provide you with references so you can verify their trustworthiness. If they will be there over an hour and you are thinking of giving them your home key, be certain they are honest, reputable and hard-working. Check their references fully. If you are using a cleaning firm, make sure it has an excellent Better Business Bureau rating.

Do you let your dog outside when you leave the house? You could let your dog carry a spare key. You can attach your key to your dog’s collar in order to keep the key hidden. If your dog is suspicious of strangers, you have found a good hiding place for your key.

TIP! Does your canine stay in the yard while you go out? This pet may be an excellent storing spot for your spare key. You can attach your key to your dog’s collar in order to keep the key hidden.

Clear away all the dead and dried out vegetation around your home in the summer. As the summer heat rolls in, there is a higher chance that these can catch on fire, putting your home at risk. You can prevent disasters by keeping your yard clean.

Security System

TIP! Buy a safe for very valuable items in the house so you can keep them inside a single location. If an intruder breaks into your home, at least these valuables will be secure.

Regardless of the quality of your home security system, you need to check it annually. Have a worker from the security company take a look at it. Many things can impact the performance of a security system, such as animals and weather. If you don’t see the problem, you may remain unaware of it.

Go with your instincts when choosing a security system company. This is especially important when it comes to the company employees who will be installing your system. Never hesitate to has for a new technician or even go with a different company altogether. The purpose of using the company is to calm your uneasiness, not worsen it.

TIP! Do not allow anyone you do not know into your home. No matter what the excuse the person presents, keep them from entering your home.

People who live rurally often don’t think about home security. Some people think that country folk are mainly targeted since they don’t have nearby neighbors. Still there are those that think that burglars are not as likely to target rural areas.

If your home security system is installed, be sure its wires are well-hidden. Easily-accessible security wiring is a definite weak point in your home’s protection; the best alarm system in the world is useless if it’s easily disabled. This is why it is so important to make sure all your wires are well hidden. Keep yourself safe.

TIP! You should never open your door to someone you do not know. Burglars are getting creative, and they will do anything they can to gain access to your home.

If you buy expensive electronics or appliances, throw the packages away the day that your trash pickup occurs. These boxes sitting outside your home serve as a flag for thieves to target your home.

Be sure to replace rotten wood in the frame of your front door. Anyone who wants to get into your home can easily pry away rotted wood and slip right into your home. When you see that wood is beginning to rot, replace it with new wood for better home safety.

TIP! Store your car in the garage if you have it. Keeping your car inside will deter thieves from stealing or vandalizing it.

Before allowing someone into your house, be sure to carefully check their references. Conduct background checks if necessary. You never know if the maid, repairman or contractor you hire is on the up and up, and letting them in or giving them a key could be a fatal mistake.

Take advantage of the Internet while comparing your home security options. Many websites offer reviews, recommendations, and detailed pricing information. Make appointments with the three best companies, and take the time to go over the details and compare them.

TIP! It will not benefit you to be shy. Engage your neighbors in conversation.

Never enter your home if you arrive and find the door open. The thief might still be inside, and you don’t have any idea whether or not they are armed. Get on the phone to the authorities immediately.

The number on your house should be easy to find. If there’s an emergency, it will take longer for the police to locate your home if the numbers are concealed in any way or too small. Happily, it’s quick and easy to fix this problem.

TIP! The first step in making your home more secure is to change out your locks. Changing the locks will ensure that you are the only one who knows the combination.

Think about hard-wired security systems if you’re worried about long term maintenance costs. A wireless system is handy, but the frequent battery changes can really amount to a large expense. Also, your home will not be protected if you neglect to use fresh batteries. Replacing several batteries will quickly add up.

Criminals can be unpredictable, so it’s difficult to tell whether your residence may be a burglar’s target. Instead of just hoping it will not happen to you, take the steps to secure your home. Keep these tips in mind when researching more about protecting your home from crime.

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